paul van der walt via nettime-l on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:39:02 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Nettime Listening Post

Hey David,

Thank you for writing this summary.  I would've loved to be able to attend & participate.

I won't take on the burden to respond to everything, because otherwise i'll procrastinate more, and it's such a shame when a thoughtful message such as yours goes unanswered.

On 2024-02-15 at 17:39 -07, quoth David Garcia via nettime-l <>:
> 1. The idea of Nettime Listening Post (NLP) is to begin re-visiting ‘real-life’ gatherings as a way of re-vitalising the list.

Excellent!  I hope we see more of that.  For what it's worth, a few weeks ago Jan, Colin, Seán and i met up in Melbourne and had a grand time chatting about things.  We should do it again sometime.  Those real-life connections are important indeed.

> 4. It was reassuring that as well as men “of a certain age” there were a clearly active bunch of lurkers some of them quite young and all of whom were well versed in classic nettime tropes and questions, but who only very occasionally intervened on the list. Fortunately, this gathering was not all male or all white.

Good to hear!  Welcome one and all 🙏

> 5. Its surprising just how many people present declared themselves too intimidated to join the on-line discussions but were articulate and insightful in the meeting.

That's a shame, but i can understand the dynamic.  I don't have better suggestions at this time than to say: feel welcome to post your thoughts, musings, etc.  The other mods and i intend to uphold a civil standard of communications, and well, here i am saying things, i have no special qualifications to do so!  It can feel intimidating for sure, but we will all be enriched by hearing more/different voices!

> One important proposal was to invite and support a number of guest editors from different demographics who might introduce new threads and different voices.

An excellent idea.

> 6. the old boys [...] might be quietly shuffled off to some nettime equivalent of ‘sheltered accommodation’.

Haha!  I'm all about lawn bowls in the sun, sign me up!  Although i likely haven't earned my spot aboard that particular bus by a long shot yet 😁

> 10. Speaking of ‘Tactical Archives’ we were keen to discuss how better use could be made of the extensive and rich nettime archive. And in that regard we were joined on-line by Michael Dieter, Mark Tuters and David Gauthier all three researchers had written a significant journal article on the importance of mailing lists based on dialogues with list editors at the time including Melinda Rackham for empyre and Andreas Broeckmann for Spectre... Their declared aim is “to both introduce these lists to the emerging field of internet history and scope out medium-specific methods that take the measure of concepts, discourses, cohorts, and events that have taken place through them over time.“ (quote from the abstract)

That's of particular interest to me.  I'd be interested to learn more about what experts could/would do with such rich and longitudinal archives indeed.  If nothing else my personal commitment as long as i am involved here is to ensure safekeeping of the existing archives as they are (both raw and processed to HTML for presentation).  This reminds me that i should follow up with Ted about gathering some supplementary files from 2001...  But yes, keen to think about new/engaging ways of presenting the historical threads.  I don't doubt that there could be a lot of cool things one could do to present them or draw insights, make them navigable, etc.!

All the best,
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