Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Mon, 9 Oct 2023 16:55:57 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> silence on Palestine?

I was quite astonished when I learned some details about the school systems in Israel and Palestine a few months ago. I was, for example, not aware of the Haredi schools for Jews in Israel (, while I knew the Quran schools for Muslims in Palestine. It seems reasonable to assume that such school systems contribute to the current problem.

I asked myself how a school system can be shaped in a way that prohibits the indoctrination of kids by religious organisations or capitalistic or communist states (here in Austria catholic and capitalistic indoctrination do happen often). Private schools are obviously part of the problem. Same for state schools, considerably in non secular, capitalist or communist states. An older suggestion by Herbart  is to give teachers a status like judges so they can commit themselves to an education that is based on the scientifically justified interests of the children only. But can educational scientists really guarantee an education that is solely based on the best interests of the child? As an educational scientist, I'm not really sure.

I'm still searching for smart answers to this old challenge. My last idea is that maybe avoiding the prohibition of indoctrination is a good idea. Why not make the indoctrination transparent for the kids by creating three school systems (private/state/scientific), were the kids visit all three in equal share?

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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