ozgur k. via nettime-l on Fri, 8 Sep 2023 20:22:23 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> stable diffusion case; floss vs proprietary worlds

dear nettimers, do you have any ideas/comments on the copyright case against stable.diffusion?

In particular, what triggers my email is that a proprietary stock image company has sued stable diffusion and (afaik) not the "proprietary"ai or the other popular proprietary ai text-to-image service. any ideas why? just because they had proof that their images were used for training stable diffusion? i do not think so… I suspect that it might be a proprietary vs floss models issue. stable diffusion's license is (again, afaik) not an fsf or osi-approved floss license but at least it is a kind of "permissive" license. 

by the way, i find the discussion about whether the output of deep learning text-to-image models would be the copyright of the users, the developers, or the copyright holders' of the data used for training the models, simply ridiculous. it is simply a.powerful demonstration of the fact that culture builds on the past and to reciprocate, to encourage building on your works freely makes the culture richer, and more enjoyable by all. what makes these.models possible is that many people have created images/works in the past amd they are made somehow "accessible" to the world on the internet, with metadata, which is mostly created by many others. the combination of all these is the collective intelligence/heritage of humanity. the outcome of what became possible mainly because of the people of the world would belong to the people of the world, thus should be in the public domain, as in the output of stable diffusion.that's very clear to me. some may even argue that they might be copylefted to prevent their commercial exploitation. but in anyways, they shouldn't be the property of any individual,.or company. 
özgür k.
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