Felix Stalder via Nettime-tmp on Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:26:41 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> process reporting?

On 20.06.23 16:46, Rich Kulawiec via Nettime-tmp wrote:
	"The total budget at all receivers for solving senders' problems is $0."

And I have to do whatever I have to do to accomodate whatever it is they're
going to do.

Absolutely. This is simply the reality. Running an email server (and, by extension, a mailing list) has become much harder over the last, say, decade and it's not going to get any easier in the future. On the other hand, it's also a problem that a lot of people know how to handle.

I think it would be really helpful to be able to compare concrete proposals. By concrete I mean having specific people in concrete infrastructural settings, saying

a) they are willing to host the mailings list and the webarchive
b) they are willing to moderate/care for the list.

a) and b) don't needs to be same people, but they need to collaborate with each other.

for a) we have so far:

- Henk offering the Waag infrastructure to host the list and archive.

- Davide offering servus.at's infrastructure to host the list and archive.

- Jordan Crandall inquired with Rhizome.

- John Preston inquired with riseup.

The first two are concrete offers by people who know nettime and know how to run infrastructures over the long term. Both are excellent, in my view. The latter two have not yet yielded responses, which is perhaps not a great sign.

for b) we have, as Paul wrote in his report of the first video meeting, Jordan, John, Menno, Christian, Paul, Henk and potentially Gregoire are willing to put in work. My understanding is that this is very much an open list, people are more then welcome to join and there is an interest by those willing to take on this role to bring in more people over time.

For me, the purpose of the next video meeting is to bring a) and b) together and make a decision.

Until then more concrete proposals for a) or b) can be put to the list. But they should be concrete enough to be actionable when we talk to each other on July 11th.

all the best. Felix

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